Saturday, December 21, 2013

MERRY (belated) PITCHMAS!!!

Hey ya'll! I thought I'd share my great results from the Pitchmas Twitter Party. 

If you aren't familiar with Pitchmas, you're definitely missing out.  It is a fabulous pitching event put on by Jessa Russo and Tamara Mataya where aspiring authors present their book concept to editors and agents in a very limited space.  You can learn more about it here. Both of these ladies deserve a standing ovation for their hard work and even though you can't see it, I'm giving them one!

First and foremost, I LOVED reading the pitches from my fellow aspiring authors.  There were some truly fantastic ideas, ones that I honestly can not wait to see in print so that I can enjoy the full story.  I made some great friends through retweets and compliments, and even if nothing comes out of this I'm eternally grateful for that much.

For me personally, Pitchmas was a great success!  I stuck with the same pitch through out the day, changing punctuation and spacing so that I could reuse it.  I had planned on changing it up, but this pitch got me some really good attention so I figured I wouldn't fix what wasn't broken. 

"24 yr old Eliza discovers her roots in Voodoo royalty, but claiming her throne means giving up her soul mate NA/PNR"

This pitch earned me a grand total of 8 requests.  5 from editors and 3 from agents.  I don't think I even need to say I was blown away, but I totally was.  I didn't end up sending to one of the editors, though, because I did abide by the warning given by the hosts and I checked out everyone I sent just didn't feel right, so I elected to not send to them.  So!  I am 7 requests closer to becoming a legit writer! *backflip*

How did Pitchmas go for you?


  1. Congrats! I had two pitches make it into the final and got a total of 9 requests from those. Yesterday on twitter I got 4 more...thirteen total! I'm a little blown away. I really didn't think these 35 word pitches were my thing.
